Matcha Green Tea Anyone?

I discovered Matcha on the lead up to my  wedding while I was looking for a little pick me up and something to beat my bloat.  I tried a few different brands but settled on Pukka’s Supreme Matcha Green.  This was the only tea I could drink without adding anything to sweeten it up.

I did on occasion go a bit wild and add a slice of lemon as more of a detox tea.

Match’s powerful benefits include:

1. Fat burning

2. Boots energy and concentration (why it’s the first thing I reach for at work in the morning)

3. It’s packed full of antioxidants

4. One cup is the equivalent of around 10 cups of standard green tea!

On the Pukka packaging they state Matcha powder at 2%.  From a quick look online most sites state 1/2 – 1 tsp of powder if making the tea yourself so I’m guessing this is around the same percentage.

Of course I was sceptical about whether or not Matcha would be any good and couldn’t quite believe I was feeling the benefits after just one day! I could power through the mornings, felt much brighter and my bloat was gone.

This tea really is full of goodness and works a treat for me.  I make sure I have at least 2 cups a day (still allowing a cheeky coffee too).

❤ xx

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